Nationale bijlage bij NEN-EN 1993-1-3
Versie : | NEN-EN 1993-1-3:2006/NB:2011 (en) |
Status : | Definitief |
Datum : | 2011-11-30 |
Titel : | Nationale bijlage bij NEN-EN 1993-1-3 |
Extra info : | This National Annex specifies the options in NEN-EN 1993-1-3:2006 including C3:2009 and the values of the Nationally Determined Parameters for use in the Netherlands. Herewith it can be demonstrated that a construction work achieves the level of structural safety as required by Dutch building regulations. The National Annex also includes complementary text which is non-conflicting with the standard itself. This complementary text may be of normative nature, but also of informative nature (e.g. notes). Also decisions on the application (normative or informative) in the Netherlands of the informative Annexes to the standard itself are specified in the National Annex. The standard itself (and any amendment) lists the clauses where national choices may have to be made. If, at a later stage, Amendments or Corrigenda to the standard are published that contain further clauses (or amend existing clauses) with Nationally Determined Parameters, the current National Annex will then be amended to cover also these clauses. The system of the Eurocodes has not been developed for any specific European country. Nevertheless with these standards it can be demonstrated that a construction work achieves the level of structural safety as required by the building regulations, the possibilities for national choice having been detailed in the National Annexes. This National Annex and the standard itself are to be used within the system of the Eurocodes only, and shall not be used in conjunction with the series Technical Principles for Building Constructions - TGB 1990. The latter series has otherwise not been maintained since 1 April 2010. This National Annex is applicable in the Netherlands only. |
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